Slam lock and dead lock. Do you know the difference?

Slam lock and dead lock. Do you know the difference?
As a contractor, there is a 40% chance that your commercial vehicle will get broken into. In particular, expensive tools and theft-sensitive products such as electronics are regularly stolen from vans. Standard locks often offer insufficient protection. An extra security lock is the best way to prevent cargo theft. But which type of lock should you choose as your extra lock: slam lock or dead lock?

Difference between a slam lock and dead lock van lock

Dead lock security lock

A dead lock van lock only locks when you manually insert the key into the lock and turn the key “to the lock position”. The main purpose of this type of lock is to provide extra protection at night and when parked in unsafe places. Because the locks are prominently installed on the outside of the vehicle, they serve as a deterrent for thieves who will choose to move on from your van.

work vans, construction and installation companies.

Slam lock security lock

A slam lock commercial vehicle lock locks automatically when the door is closed. This is a very useful feature when you are a courier with an armful of packages and you don’t have your hands free to turn the key and lock the door of your van. All you need to do is push the door closed with your arm or foot and the lock will engage automatically. On your return, you can unlock the door of the van with your key. The purpose of this type of lock is to provide extra protection while you are delivering goods and packages. These security locks are also prominently installed on the outside so that thieves will quickly move on from your commercial vehicle. Slamlock locks can be converted to deadlock locks using a conversion kit.

specifically for courier service vans.

More information about van security you will find on the Gatelock security locks page. 

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