Innovation is the first priority at van der Kooij

Innovation is the first priority at van der Kooij

Customer case

Van der Kooij mechanisatie & constructie

Van der Kooij Mechanisatie & Constructie in Vierpolders is an innovative mechanisation company for machinery and vehicles in the agricultural and horticultural industry. They are specialised in repairs, maintenance, engineering and in the selling of agricultural machinery and earthmoving vehicles. Van der Kooij stands for know-how, innovation and quality.

"We quickly achieved at a great result together"

The mechanisation and construction company Van der Kooij was especially assigned by a client to build an open loading body. As they were not very familiar with bodywork construction, they approached Imbema for advice.

In my search for a company who can help with the build-up of a loading body, I found Imbema. An innovative company that not only supplies products, but also helps to find and offer solutions, according to Peter van der Kooij (owner of Van der Kooij Mechanisatie & Constructie).

“Imbema really wanted to help and, together, we built the entire loading body from the chassis up. The open loading body is used for transporting steel and other products for the shipping and offshore industries. These are mainly heavy products, which have been taken into account in the construction of the loading body.”


"In addition to being a specialized total supplier for body construction, Imbema is very innovative, thinks well and has a solution for every problem. Together we quickly arrived at a beautiful end result!"

Peter van der Kooij | owner Van der Kooij

Assembled products

“To make life easier, Imbema prefabricated anodised aluminium side and back plates in its assembly department and then assembled them with steel stanchions on site. The plates can easily be opened per section for efficient loading and unloading of the open loading body."

Open body van der Kooij

Safety is of paramount importance

“Of course, in the build-up of the loading body, we also took the safety aspect into account. For example, the underside has been built closed with stainless steel toolboxes and aluminium side protection. A collapsible step ensures that the driver can enter the loading body quickly and safely.”

“Aside from the loading body itself being as safe as possible, it is also important that the material can be transported safely. Consequently, the wooden floor of the loading body has been equipped with the Multisave cargo securing system. This allows you to secure any type of cargo quickly and safely. Behind the cab there is a Retrocab, which is a large galvanized steel box, mounted for transporting small cardboard boxes.”

More information about body and trailer construction?